Notes About The Course
- Ensure you contemplate each daily lesson as you move about your day, and you search for the concepts hidden throughout your world. This helps ensure the knowledge solidifies into your conscious mindset and helps root out your old, limited mindset.
- This program is basically a System-of-Perfection created by Dr. HermanSJr. Just as religion, Six Sigma, and many other such systems, no one will be perfect.
- This system/program is based on universals, principles, roots, algorithms, foundations, or whatever one wishes to call them, and as with any such system/program or field with such (e.g. the field of Psychology, of Forensic Psychology, of Marketing, of Profiling [used by FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI6, law enforcement, A.I., and many other entities across the world]) there can always be anomalies, Ghosts-In-The-Machine, variables that do not follow such universals, principles, root-causes, algorithms, foundations. Alas, such will be the comparatively few, the exception, and we still do tremendously better to continue using such universals, principles, roots, algorithms, foundations to create step-change in any atmospheres desired.
- Ensure you undergo this program from different (safe and legal) atmospheres. It is not an option, but mandatory. Ensure you conduct this program (i.e. watching the videos, hearing the audio, viewing the images, writing the activities) from different physical settings, while in different settings. For example, you can sometimes do your work at a cafe, sometimes in your dark bedroom, sometimes in a quiet library, sometimes at a tranquil beach, sometimes at a serene forest, sometimes at an energetic gym, sometimes at a loud bar/night club, sometimes at a loud event, etc. The atmospheres must be of different physical settings and energies in order to put your mindset in different states of varying comfort and ease.
- Some information is presented in various manners and methods, and even repeated, to shake, bend, and break your mindset so you can see, learn, and use that information in different situations, from vantage points, and in different arenas/industries while you pass through different emotional and psychological states throughout your life. This delivery of the information will force you to see everything around you in its entirety and use the information consciously, instead of continuing to go about your daily phone calls, messages, social media posts, and life in general, oblivious to the blindness that overshadows your mindset and vision.
- This program is designed in a specific manner which includes information that is cumulative and activities that are in a specific order. Ergo, ensure you follow the steps in this program, including those indicating which parts of the book to read and which drills of the book to practice. Not doing so can lead to confusion and even a less impactful transformation by this program.
- Some videos, activities, images, readings, etc. speak to you as a business owner (or another role). For those, ensure to play that role and imagine yourself as such so you receive the benefit of those videos, activities, images, readings, etc.
- Video collection is a combination of earlier pre-recorded videos and audio (surrounding psychological strategy, which also prepares and trains your mindset and vision for transformation), as well as newer pre-recorded videos and audio, all of which are based on time-tested principles of transforming how you think, see, and perform to secure and fulfill your life using the hidden universal laws that control your world.
- Videos are created and presented in a "raw-style" to portray a more realistic look and feel, helping to bestow a certain level of mindset.
- Whatever information is provided across this program (i.e. in the books, videos, drills...) is all that is needed to provide the proper answer. If you feel more is needed then you are missing something in the already-provided information.
- Some topics touch on sensitive issues which can make some people uncomfortable. Firstly, you must recall this is a program to completely bend, twist, shake, and break your thinking foundation in order to transform your mindset and vision, and instill a new mindset and vision which, ideally, continually and self-perpetuates its new mold in a tremendously shorter timeframe than typically done via other means. Such an effective and quick feat is only possible via demanding and powerful tactics which, while always staying safe and legal, can be seen by some as touching upon sensitive areas of life. Secondly, you must recall that those topics are only included to best serve you by cultivating certain states that allow for grander learning environments so you acquire the greatest ability to see, understand, and create a sound foundation for your new and powerful mindset and vision.
Get ready to start the first step to help revamp your cognitive schema (vision and thinking foundation) and install Holistic Vision - the ability behind history's greatest thinkers.